Keep The Glass

In 2016 the last Dairy Crest glass bottling plant will close with a loss of 200 jobs. From then on their doorstep deliveries of milk will arrive in disposable plastic rather than reusable glass bottles.

I am asking Dairy Crest to reconsider for the following reasons:

  • Chemicals do not leach from glass as they do from plastic.
  • Milk tastes better from a glass bottle.
  • Glass bottles are reused.
  • Plastic trash is increasing in unsustainable amounts. 
  • Only a percentage of plastic bottle are recycled.
  • To save jobs.


If Dairy Crest stop delivering in glass many customers will have no reason to continue with this service. It may result in a loss of custom resulting in further job losses and impacting badly on a useful service that benefits the housebound and less mobile.

To demonstrate that there is a demand for glass bottles, please sign and share.

Find out more at

Update #19 years ago
Thanks for signing the Save Our Bottles petition. I have contacted Diarycrest and Milk & More but there has been no formal response. Rumour has it that glass bottles will now be available for longer, (Sarah facebooked milk and more and they said it will stay in glass bottles till at least April 2017). Please do keep on sharing the petition and I will try to get some more definite information. I will be posting updates here
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