ACT NOW! Demanding Urgent Updates to TAC and Removal of Noxious Board Members

To The Asatru Community (TAC) Board of Directors;

This letter is addressed to voice concerns and cites grievances about the direction that TAC is heading, from Ambassadors, and Charter Members. This petition submitted by TAC's members should be reviewed in its full contents.

Upon close inspection of the bylaws and code of conduct, we have come across several situations that were not only violations of the Bylaws, but also Code of Conduct violations by a board member of TAC.

Some incidents of concern are more recent, while others are past events that continue to pop up and haunt TAC's brand. There was an incident on the 10th of April 2020, that was a tweet made by the official TAC handle. (See Appendix B, exhibits A) This was a violation of the Bylaws and Code of Conduct. (Bylaws Article X: Protocols 10.01(see Appendix A footnote 1), 10.02(see Appendix A footnote 2), 10.03(see Appendix A footnote 2) and Code of Conduct # 1(see appendix A footnote 3), Banned topics # 2(see Appendix A footnote 4), 3(see Appendix A footnote 5) The only apology made in regards to this tweet were made by Seth Chagi (See Appendix C) on the website on April 11th, 2020, this apology was not cross-posted. Then a Facebook post made by Dave Nix (See Appendix D) on April 14th, 2020, which again was not cross-posted.

The apologies/retractions mentioned are not easily accessible unless one is aware of where to find the post. Many of TAC Charter Members are not on certain platforms of social media such as Facebook, therefore the lack of accessibility to these retractions is concerning since many have not seen them.

This is concerning to many members and ambassadors, due to the fact Topher W. Henry, who posted the offending tweet, is an important figurehead of TAC (see Appendix A, exhibits B, C, and D for proof of similar posts). Our concern is that TAC nor Topher issued an apology themselves. Along with the lack of action shown by the Board of Directors to investigate, suspend, or remove the offending board member (Bylaws Article X: Protocols 10.01, see Appendix A footnote 1).

In reaction to these most recent events, many Ambassadors, as well as Charter Members, have retracted their membership from TAC, stating discomfort and loss of faith in the organization's ability to operate as a hate-free zone and ability to follow its own bylaws. Asatru is a faith of self-determination and action; with this in mind, our goal is to make a difference and put Shieldwall to use. We know that much of our strength lies in our diversity. TAC needs to include within its Bylaws that those who regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, ability, nationality, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, race, faith, or creed are welcome in all manners within TAC. We embrace our differences and celebrate the uniqueness of others. We are an all-inclusive group that will not stand for hate of any kind and will actively stand against it.

A concern regarding the Bylaws is the structure in which they are written. We the Charter Members and Ambassadors believe that power should be delegated more democratically. In Article 3, bylaw 3.04 it states that "Charter Members who are serving as administrators for the Social Networking Groups...have no influence on the day to day, or long-term goals of TAC." (see Appendix A footnote 7) Ambassadors are made up of volunteers who have been charter members for 90 days or more. They organize virtual and physical events, act as real world liaisons between TAC and the outside world as well as provide a face to this organization. We believe that this bylaw should be revised to allow members a say in official TAC affairs. Since we are the face of TAC, we Charter Members and Ambassadors should be granted influence on both the day-to-day and long term goals of TAC.

Statement of Expectations of Corrective Actions
This is the list of requests that we, the Charter Members, are making in light of the grievances and concerns that have come to light.

1. The suspension, investigation, and removal of the following members due to folkists beliefs, racist beliefs, or hate speech; Topher W. Henry, and Ivy Mulligan (Ivy Coyote-Mulligan) (Appendix B exhibit E). Which is a direct violation of the Bylaws, COC, Mission, and Values of TAC.

2. All known folkists to be removed from any and all positions of power, preferably from TAC altogether due to their continued presence being a direct violation of the Bylaws, COC, Mission, and Values.

3. Removal of any member regardless of position who posts hate speech of any kind from the TAC due to it being a clear violation of the bylaws, COC, Mission, and Values.

4. Revising of the Bylaws to allow for the charter members, and ambassadors to have a true voice in the official TAC affairs, thus granting influence on both the day-to-day and long term.

5. Revising of the Bylaws to add in a clear outline for future petitions if needed, that requires a specific number or percentages of signatures of Charter Members

6. True transparency and communication between the BOD and Ambassadors/Charter Members.

7. Follow through on the reprimanding and removal of members who violate the COC and Bylaws when guilty of harassing, bullying, and/or gaslighting of other TAC members, on both TAC official groups and on personal pages when brought to the attention of TAC officers.

To view the full letter with Appendix A and B please click the link provided below:

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