• by: Sameer Karkal
  • recipient: Environment And Wildlife Agency - Abu Dhabi

According to an undercover wildlife investigator who provided information published in The newspaper, the elephant calves are being held at the ZWMA Mtshibi Animal Capture Unit's holding centre, a few kilometres from Hwange Main Camp, where they’re being vetted for diseases prior to export, and also they have the information, its being sold to China, North Korea via UAE..

Elephants’ profound social bonds make separation of calves from their mothers extremely traumatic for the babies and remaining family members, causing enormous emotional suffering. In the wild, calves never stray far from their fiercely protective mothers, and they nurse until they are four years old. Familial ties are so strong that females remain with their mothers for life; males leave the herd at about age 14. Without the support of their mothers and family, infant elephants will have less survival chances..

“We urge you not to underestimate the impact on world opinion of the distressing sounds and imagery of elephant calves and juveniles being forcibly separated from their families, captured and then undergoing inhumane taming and training methods, and a lifetime of captivity in a country that is not known for its adherence to international standards and norms. These practices are totally unacceptable for an enlightened public and continuation is bound to lead to public petitions, campaigns, and increased negative publicity for UAE..



Update #310 years ago
Unless China, Japan, Vietnam and other states change their ways, many of these species are doomed. Please share and sign this petition. Need 3000 more signature's to say UAE not to support illegal trade of wildlife..
Update #210 years ago
Petition update on the capture of elephants in Zimbabwe for export, although there still appears to be confusion as to whether they're destined for China or the UAE.
Experts are understood to be travelling to Hwange soon to check on the health of the captured animals.There have also been differing claims of where any captured animals are headed. According to some reports they will go to China, while according to others their destination is the UAE.
Update #110 years ago
Just days ago, Zimbabwe's government admitted to capturing about 36 baby elephants from the wild in order to sell them and ship them overseas. Reports now say there could also be seven lion cubs and ten sable antelopes in that group. The young animals --between 2.5 and 5 years old -- are being held in wooden pens in Hwange National Park, after being separated from their families and captured.
Lets get United and Stop this Trade...
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