Stop the Barbaric Whale and Dolphin Slaughter in the Faroe Islands of Denmark!

In the Faroe Islands of Denmark this slaughter is ongoing TODAY and this is in the 21st century!   Watch the video on the screen to the left.

fter you have read and signed, please send this petition link to your friends,
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In this 'tradition' practiced since around the 10th century, nearly 1,000 whales/dolphins are killed every year in the Cgrindadr whale hunt typically occurring during summer months. A massacre for an age-old tradition of the coming of age, the mark of transition from childhood to adulthood.

In this macabre massacre, in which the whole community participates (even young kids and women) They hack their pick axes and knives into the bodies of the whales/dolphins and drag them ashore. They cut the whales spine, their main arteries are also cut. Since the whales are killed manually, death cannot by definition be instantaneous, taking anywhere from about 30 seconds to several minutes to die.

The Faroe Islands have been rated by National Geographic as "top unspoiled island" destination in the world, with score 87 out of 100. Here is their rating:

The Faroese tourist board uses this NG rating to advertise Faroe islands as tourist destination and to attract tourists:

In the video and the pictures below is evidence of how "unspoiled" these islands and their inhabitants are, and apparantly they are not hiding it or are ashamed of it!

Please watch and judge for yourself - photo album of Faroese nature:

When signing this petition you, among the other petetion signers, say to the Faroe Island rulers that you are opposed to this outdated, horrendous 'tradition' of the slaughtering of whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands (Denmark)!

This whaling is cruel, macabre, outrageous and has no place in the 21st century!

Furthermore, whale meat is no longer an important food source and in any case poses a serious health risk to the people who eat it. 

The hunts are also a threat to whale and dolphin populations the size and status of which is unknown and are already under serious threat from climate change, toxic pollution, commercial over-fishing, entanglement in fishing-nets, ship strikes, habitat loss and disturbance from oil and gas extraction and surveys and chronic noise pollution including lethal military sonar. 

This campaign is calling for an end to and a ban against all whale and dolphin hunting in the Faroe Islands of Denmark!
We (who sign this petition) are opposed to the slaughter of whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands (Denmark) because we consider this whaling to be cruel, unnecessary, macabre and out of place in the 21st century!

We also consider this to be detramental to the tourist industry of the Faroe Islands as
the word of this slaughter is spreading around the world! Thus, we who sign will NOT visit The Faroe Islands nor will we buy any products or services knowing them to be from The Faroe Islands, until this horrendous 'tradition' is STOPPED!

Furthermore, whale meat is no longer an important food source and in any case poses a serious health risk to the people who eat it. 

The hunts are also a threat to whale and dolphin populations the size and status of which is mainly an 'unknown' and are already under serious threat from climate change, toxic pollution, commercial over-fishing, entanglement in fishing-nets, ship strikes, habitat loss and disturbance from oil and gas extraction and surveys and chronic noise pollution including lethal military sonar. 

This campaign is calling for an end to and ban of all whale and dolphin hunting and killing in the Faroe Islands - Please STOP this slaughter NOW!

Thank you for taking time to read this letter.

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