A Brother and Sister Duo Starved and Chained Up Dogs, Leading to 56 Counts of Animal Cruelty

Authorities recently discovered that a brother and sister in Phoenix, Arizona had chained up multiple dogs outside and were neglecting them to the point of starvation and malnutrition. The situation was so bad that, in the end, officials ended up charging them with 56 counts of animal abuse!

Sign the petition to demand these siblings never own or live with animals again!

Officers observed that eight dogs were so horribly malnourished, their ribs, hips, and spines were visible pushing through their skin. Even though the dogs were chained up and had no way to get inside, the siblings hadn't provided them with any food that they could access while outside. The only water available was apparently "green, full of dirt, and did not appear drinkable."

The way they had tethered the dogs up was actually illegal, and involved tying some of the pets up using non-adjustable collars that police had to physically cut off their necks.

Authorities seized all eight dogs, who have since received veterinary treatment and are on their way to healing.

This sister and brother have clearly proven they can not be trusted with tending to the wellbeing of innocent animals. Authorities must ban them from ever living with or owning pets in the future! Sign the petition!
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