• by: Angel Potter

Beefcake was a 3.5 year old American Bully. He was owned by a family named Brent Lafond and Kathy Townsend Lafond. On the date of Jan 12, 2017 Beefcake was found emaciated and left dead and dumped on the side of a road in Auburn, NH.
Beefcake was a sweet dog. With a love for life, people and his family! He had a thumping tail and a ton of wet kisses for anyone who greeted him. Beefcake deserves justice for the cruel, inhumane treatment and starvation he was forced to endure by this family. They deserve to be charged to the highest extent of the law and made an example of that animal cruelty of this extent will not be tolerated in the state of NH.


I was randomly tagged in a fb post of a dog found emaciated and disposed of in Auburn, NH. This dog was named Beefcake. He was a 3.5 year old American Bully. Registered through Abkc (American Bully Kennel Club) We re homed Beefcake about 3 yrs ago to a man and woman named Brent Lafond and Kathy Townsend Lafond. Beefcake was a very sweet and loving dog who loved his family. He was a dog who loved everyone and greeted them with a thumping tail and wet kisses. We re homed Beefcake with a contract stating that if they could no longer care for Beefcake or no longer wanted Beefcake he was to be returned back to us!  We maintained contact with Brent through the entire time he owned Beefcake. My last time speaking to Brent was through messenger on fb. This was on 6/29/16. I asked how Beefcake was doing and for updated photo's. I received a lengthy message on how well Beefcake was loved and doing. That he was the mascot of their kids soccer games. He ignored my request for pictures of Beefcake and that was the last time I had spoken to Brent. Upon seeing the post of the dog found. I was pretty certain it was Beefcake. I attempted to contact Brent via, phone, voice mail, text and fb messenger. He refused to answer or respond to any of my attempts to reach him. I contacted friends on his fb page begging they reach out to Brent so I could just have closure that Beefcake was safe and still in Brents care. A few responded but only one person really cared. I was then blocked by Brent later that day. We then drove to the Manchester police station. There they informed us we needed to go to the Auburn Police station being that is where Beefacke was found. The officer we spoke to was great and helped us get the answers we needed. It was at that time it was confirmed the dog was in fact our pup Beefcake. In an attempt to collect his remains so that we could burry him here where he was born and loved. The kennel where Beefcake's body was being held informed us that Brent Lafond had called and confessed to the disposal of Beefcake and that he had paid for the cremation of Beefcake ( though he could not pay to feed him)! We are devastated by the news of the loss of Beefcake and pray that Brent is charged and justice will be served. Beefcake deserves that! The picture posted of Beefcake tears at my heart. That is not how I want people to remember him. Beefcake was beautiful, sweet and loving. Those pictures are not the dog he was and he deserves to be known and remembered as a dog who is loved and was not unwanted. A dog beautiful  who loved everyone and did not deserve this! Beefcake suffered at the hands of this family. He was starved literally to death and dumped on the side of a road like nothing more then trash.

Brent and Kathy Lafond should be charged to the fullest extent of the law and made an example of, that Animal Cruelty to this extent will be dealt with harshly in the state of New Hampshire.

Beefcake was a sweet soul. A loving and loyal family member. A dog who was adored by all who met him. A dog without a mean bone in his body. A dog who loved life and a dog that deserved to be loved and cared for. This should not have been Beefcakes end! Please do not allow this cruelty to go unpunished. He deserved so much more then that!


Update #28 years ago
Update #18 years ago
Just spoke to Sgt. Shabbot the man on the case.
We were just informed Brent will only be charged for illegal disposal of Beefcake not animal cruelty! They are forwarding the case to Animal Control in Manchester, NH where it will be up to them whether Animal Cruelty charges will be brought against them. Said it could possibly take a few days. Truly loosing faith in the system right now!
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