Dog Restriction Should Not Be Arbitrary, Nor Based on Size...But Based On Behaviour!

  • by: Veronica Amodeo

Maddie, my 7 year old labrador/rottweiler mix is being arbitrarily evicted based on "size" says the condominium board of directors.

This does not seem fair, as there are other dogs in the building who are 65lbs, as she is.

Maddie, a well trained and gentle animal, has behaved extremely well on the premise and is absolutely gentle and warm with other dogs and people.

Many people with dogs and without have commented on how well trained and "good" she is.

We have followed all the rules (on leash, proper removal and disposal of pet waste in an immediate manner, and displaying rabies and okotoks dog licence on collar at all times). Maddie does NOT bark, or make noise that disturbs the enjoyment of other tenants.

Her owner filed appropriate pet application form in October and was not denied until after her move in date to Unit 109. Similar dogs, even larger in size have resided in this unit previously.

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