End Puppy Mill IMPORTS

  • by: Care2 member
  • recipient: United States Department of Agriculture
"Every year hundreds of thousands of puppies are shipped from overseas puppy mills for resale in U.S. pet stores and online. Kept in cramped cages and deported at only weeks old, these puppies often arrive disease ridden, sickly or dead. While mainland puppy mills are unfortunate places in and of themselves, puppy mills overseas are much worse. With no regulations or laws to protect dogs, foreign puppy mills take on a “whatever it takes” attitude to breeding, often administering painful C-sections, and engaging in forceful breeding tactics.

In 2008, a law was passed to protect dogs under six months from being imported into the United States as part of a Farm Bill spearheaded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The bill was created due to an increasing demand for foreign, mixed breed puppies and concern about the number of sick and dying puppies being imported from overseas puppy mills. Almost six years since the introduction of the bill, the law has yet to be enforced. A recent statistic found that over 300,000 puppies are imported into the U.S. for resale, but every animal lover and pet owner should know that a truly responsible breeder wouldn’t make their puppies endure such hardship simply to earn a hefty profit.

Urge the USDA’s Secretary Tom Vilsack to implement the 2008 Farm Bill and stop the import of dogs from overseas puppy mills."

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