Stop Illegal Whaling in Greenland
- by: Animal Advocates
- recipient: Greenland Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Nature and Environment, Mrs. Talea Weissang
On December 31, 2012, Greenland decided to ignore the International Whaling Commision and increase the unauthorized fishing quota to hunt and kill Fin Whales begining in January.
The fin whale is listed as endangered throughout its range under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and is listed as "depleated" throughout its range under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Many whale populations have been hunted to near extinction, and some have not yet recovered from industrial whaling.
The International Whaling Commission says requested quota increase was aimed at boosting sales of whale meat in tourist restaurants, not at providing sustenance for indigenous peoples. Increasing the commercial sale of whale meat is part of a food-oriented tourism campaign and to satisfy the culinary curiosity of tourists.
Tell Greenland to stop ignoring the sound science of the International Whaling Commission, and to keep the whaling quota.
On December 31, 2012, Greenland decided to ignore the International Whaling Commision and increase the unauthorized fishing quota to hunt and kill Fin Whales begining in January.
The fin whale is listed as endangered throughout its range under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and is listed as "depleated" throughout its range under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Many whale populations have been hunted to near extinction, and some have not yet recovered from industrial whaling.
The International Whaling Commission says requested quota increase was aimed at boosting sales of whale meat in tourist restaurants, not at providing sustenance for indigenous peoples. Increasing the commercial sale of whale meat is part of a food-oriented tourism campaign and to satisfy the culinary curiosity of tourists.
Tell Greenland to stop ignoring the sound science of the International Whaling Commission, and to keep the whaling quota.
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