Police brutality towards animals (in this case dogs)

  • by: Borna Asi
  • recipient: Municipalities, mayors, governors, etc. Who regulate police in their area(s)

Search on YouTube "police officer shoots dog," and you will be bombarded with videos of the police executing housepets for not allowing them to invade their property. This needs to end now.

This is to petition a new rule that all police officers must follow. During an investigation of a burgalry, missing person, etc., police officers are not authorized to discharge their firearm at any animal. They may carry a non-lethal tranq gun instead to sedate the animal that must be only used in circumstances where the dog is explicitly attacking (barking, running around is not an exception).

Finally, the penalty. Should a police officer shoot and kill an animal in cold blood, they will be terminated on the spot and all immunity will be vanquished giving full reign for the family to sue in damages of up to 50,000$. For those of you thinking this is harsh and/or prevents police from doing their jobs, I want you to consider two things;
1.) the penalty is to ensure this never happens again, as of current a police officer can shoot a dog he/she "believes," is a treat and receive a week of unpaid suspension. Like I said, go on youtube, you'll find a female and 2 Male police officers shoot a 50 pound dog 5 times for barking. You'll find a full sized male officer shoot a 18 month old puppy with a fatal wound that the owner is forced to tell the officer to put the dog out it's misery. This penalty, will insure these monsters think long and hard before pulling out their weapon, and instead wait a minute for the owner to come out of the house to calm the animal. 2.) if you still don't agree with me, and you've had/have a dog, imagine this. Your sitting on your couch watching tv, your dog is playing outside in the backyard. You hear barking indicating someone has come onto your property so you head out too look, a few moments later you hear several loud gunshots. You sprint outside and to your horror a person who took an oath to protect you is standing over your beloved dog that had never done anything other than trust you to look after them. If you still don't understand why this is a change that needs to happen then I'm sorry I wasted your time. But when I see a dog in pain I cry, I am not ashamed to say it. I cry because I feel exactly how I imagine the pup must feel. Helpless, confused as to why what's happening is happening, and just wants it to be over. Let's make the officers respect the oath they've sworn too.

Update #16 years ago
Thank you all for being the first 100 to sign a petition that means a great deal to me. Our goal is 10,000 signatures, and that the first of what I hope to be many milestones in this long endeavour of fighting to keep our animals safe. Once we’ve crossed the finish line and achieved this, I will do everything in my power to show my immense gratitude to all who took that first step in supporting an important cause.

Thank you for your time,
Till next time.
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