Cruel Octopus Farms Were Finally Banned in California. Hawai'i Should Be Next!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Hawai'i State Legislature

California just set a powerful example by finally banning octopus farming! Now, it's time for Hawai'i to follow suit and protect these highly intelligent and sensitive creatures from cruel commercial farming practices.

Sign this petition to urge the Hawai'i State Legislature to ban octopus farming and the sale of commercially farmed octopuses!

The reality of Octopus farming is disturbing – it involves confining naturally solitary and highly intelligent octopuses in stressful and unnatural conditions, leading to extreme suffering. In some cases, captive octopuses have become so distressed, they have eaten off their own limbs. They live their whole lives like this... just to be killed in the end, to become someone's meal.

It is crucial for Hawai'i to take action now. By banning octopus farming, Hawai'i can demonstrate its commitment to compassionate and ethical treatment of all species and become a leader in marine conservation.

Sign the petition to demand that Hawai'i legislators protect these remarkable creatures and ban octopus farming!

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