A shocking video appeared online showing a Russian circus bear attacking one of its trainers at a traveling circus in the city of Olonets. The
video begins with the bear -
leashed and muzzled - standing on its hind legs and pushing a wheelbarrow towards one of its handlers in the ring. When the bear and its handler meet, the handler turns around encouraging the bear to follow him as he circles the ring. It's unclear exactly what happens next, but it appears that the handler puts his hand up to the bear's muzzle.
Then the bear attacks. The attack is accompanied by the sound of screaming children as parents look on in shock.
The other handler in the ring then runs over to the rightfully enraged bear and begins kicking it in an attempt to save his companion. Watching the bear go from docile a prop to powerful wild beast in a matter of seconds should serve as a reminder that these animals are not pets and should definitely not be used for human entertainment. This bear has no idea why it is being forced to do these ridiculous tricks. And when it pushed back because it was unable to cope any longer, it was beaten as punishment.
It seems like every year, somewhere in Russia, a trainer is attacked by a circus bear yet, neither the circus or government is willing to step in to help keep their citizens or animals safe from harm and cruelty.
These types of incidents will continue to happen until using animals in circuses is banned worldwide, especially in Russia where these types of shows are pervasive.
Bears, like other animals, are not entertainment, they have their own will and desires and deserve to live a life free from cruelty - preferably in the wild where they belong. These types of shows reduce a living, breathing animal down to an object that can be forced to do as we want when we want. It's not only cruel it is wrong. Let's call on the Russian Government to ban these dancing bear shows nationwide. They are cruel and belong in the past. Tell Russia we are watching their treatment of animals, and we don't approve.
Please sign and let's put an end to this nonsense.