Justice for Colbalt

Justice for Colablt,

Over the past few months, several animals were posted on Facebook, when the employee's posting were" assuming", this has caused animals/ people/ families hurt.
I am a former Animal Control Officer for Franklin County NC, I have seen my fair share of the tricks and Games that go on there.
However I have kept out of the petty drama until now, this time I can not look the other way, I am hoping to get to the bottom of this and the employee's that did this are dealt with. I will not cause a problem at Franklin County when I go to do photo's but I do intend to speak with the new Director and the sheriff as well.
A dog that I had pulled back in October Of 2013 from wake county animal control, with the consent of the staff and Director, like many times before if the shelter was empty, we would pull from other shelter's to help save lives. That was our goal, I sought the help from Kelly , With The Humane Society.
She helped and we saved him, here is the Information that wake county had on " Tyga Jr"
Meet Tyga Sr, he is an 8 year old HW+ male pit mix.It isn't often we say a dogs life is better at the shelter but in his case it's true, Tyga's life the past 117 days has been the best it's ever been. He's walked everyday, he gets food, water, attention, and a warm place to sleep. Tyga's first 8 years of his life before he got to the shelter were crap, he was barely feed and left ignored out in a yard as a lawn ornament. Tyga came into the shelter as a cruelty case, he was starving and in terrible shape. He's made it through several FULL times at the shelter but this time intake is SO high and there aren't enough dogs leaving the shelter. Sadly no one wants to adopt Tyga and he's just been hanging out waiting and watching. Tyga is a sweet boy, he walks great on the leash and he's independent and content to just hang around. Tyga has also been an outside dog his whole life. If you or anyone you know would be willing to give this old man a chance please come TODAY!!
That is the Information that wad sent to me, when I worked at animal control, and they asked for our help, so we did. Sarah Keys went and pulled Tyga Sr, and brought him to me at animal control.
After a few days of testing him, we posted him and here is the Information That We posted on the Franklin County Shelter Facebook , as well as other sights, and the shelter net system, that the shelter still uses.
13-4069 / 6-2-0695 Colbat formerly known as Tyga SR, was rescued before being put down. We just couldn't stand by and watch such a sweet and beautiful boy get put down. We were asked to take him and since we had room we did! This boy seems to be potty trained, he does need some manners on leash, ( he tends to pull) but he does really good. He is such a love bug and adores people. He is a bit shy at first but he comes out of his shell fast! He is very outgoing! If you would like to adopt cobalt please call the shelter and set up a meeting with Joni. Adoption fee is waivered and he will be neutered on October 31,2013 and after that he will have his heartworm treatment done. This way he will be happy and healthy for his new family. Cobalt also loves the ladies!! not good with dogs, and cats. or Kids, he was a bait dog.
He was worked with day and night, Finally we found a home for him...
Now he showed back up, Animal Control did not try to contact the owner, which is on his paper work from his adoption and in the Shelter Net system, He even had on the same collar that he left with, which was bought at animal control. Some still hang in the front office for sell.
Here is what Animal Control Officer ( whom new this dog's history) posted on the new " so called page"
Shelter stated: ADOPTED!! "Boca" 14-2457 / 4-3-0656
Boca is a male Pitbull Terrier who is available now for adoption since he was not claimed. He is a very sweet guy....but strong! We recommend that he does not go to a home with small children because he can easily knock them down and not realize! He has a collar on but no ID. He walks very well on a leash and even knows how to sit on command. It is apparent that he has been an outside dog for a few years now so once adopted he can easily be house broken and trained. Come and meet him if interested. Adoption fee $25.00
This is what is upsetting, they lied. Another animal was attacked, and died from it, they chose to look over it. I have reached out to Officer in question regarding the dog several times with no repsonce.
I have contacted the Director, with out any luck. But I did contact make contact with 1 new Officer she answered me very nicely. She stated that she did tell the new adopter that she didn't know the dog or his history. Which is correct she was not there where the dog was back in 2013.
Then I get a message which I have saved, from a volunteer at FCHS, she stated that I need to keep there name out of it. I have a right to post on my personal page anything I please, but the thing is I did not mention any names or places other than "humane society". She new the dog when she saw the post, she was aware of the dog and his history because she had helped with him. I am sure she quickly got in contact with the Officers that lied, as well as the other person running the now new page A volunteer with wrong intentions
I have brought this to your attention in hopes that you will do something about it, Testing an animal before putting it up for adoption is a serious thing, not just guessing and posting a cute photo. If the dog/ cat is not tested and it is stated that it is friendly can cause a lawsuit.
I am not doing this to one up someone,
nor an I trying to take anyone's job. I do this because I do care about that shelter and the animals. I volunteered there before I was hired and I will continue to do so. At the end of the day it is the animals and the community's safety. Not the number of adoptions. I have turned many dogs around at that shelter, and some will vouch for that. I am good with breeds, tempermant, training, and new borns. I have vet back ground and education as well. I brought a lot to that shelter if you check the records you will see that, I started November 2012 my first month we broke the original record which was 30 per month on adoptions, that month we got out 80. From then own it raised each month.
We did it because we worked as a team, everyone helped and the shelter was a wonderful place, people were coming from all over to adopt and to see the shelter, they had heard so much about. I wont it to get back that way. We brought in my personal dog which became the mascot, everyone loved to see her, and to have a pit as a mascot was different, we stood out as a shelter.
We helped families with vet bills, did fundraiser's ect... when I left in July, it all stopped. I don't wont a job there but I wont to be able to help get that going again, this shelter means a lot to me, and this county. So please help in anyway.
Colbalt is now going to loose his life, because someone lied, over looked the rules. He is paying the ultimate debt. These Officers involved should pay along with him. They turned there backs on what they new and harmed not only a Family, an innocent dog, and now Colbalt will die.
Please share far and wide, this is not the first time These Officers have done this, hopefully this time something will get done.

The Director allowed me to say my peace with Colbalt, when I returned home I posted it on facebook. They are stating he is a Liability, when he was in fact in a room with a 13 year old child. The very same day I was told he would not be released. Colbalt has faults just like any other dog, but this is not his fault. The Animal Control officer stated " He didn't kill the dog, the dog died of a heart attack" there were no wounds on the animal that he " so called killed"

He is going to die simply because they don't want to face the truth, I won't let it go with out a fight for him.

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