Tell Disney to Provide Shelter for Homeless

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: The Walt Disney Company

Orange County is currently in the process of kicking out hundreds of homeless people from a riverbed encampment, just a few miles from Disneyland.

The encampment housed about 1,000 people, but Orange County only has 250 shelter beds available. When asked what would happen to the hundreds of people being forced out with nowhere to go, spokeswoman Jennifer Nentwig said, "the county is not dictating where people are able to go" — essentially meaning that it's not the county's problem.

Evicting people from encampments without any available housing options is not just heartless, it is a violation of human rights. Please sign this petition asking Disneyland to step in and offer shelter for those with nowhere to go.

The Walt Disney Company, which owns and operates Disneyland, is a multi-billion dollar company. It also own three hotels in Disneyland Resort, just around the corner from the encampment where hundreds are losing their home. Whether it provides shelter in one of its hotels, or donates money for shelter, The Walt Disney Company is absolutely in a position to help its neighbors.

Please sign this petition, and together let's urge The Walt Disney Company to step up and do what Orange County will not do.

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