Let's stop Yulin festival forever and for real!

The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival, commonly referred to as Yulin Dog Meat Festival, is an annual celebration held in Yulin, Guangxi, China.
Despite strong condemnation from around the world the Yulin Festival still took place in 2017. We need to act and help stop this ATROCITY in 2018 and BAN IT FOREVER! Yulin's ban was supposed to forbid the sale of dog meat beginning June 2017 15, a week before the festival’s June 21 opening. Violators of the ban reportedly would have faced a risk of arrest and fines up to 100,000 yuan ($14,700). THIS DID NOT HAPPEN AND THE FESTIVAL STILL TOOK PLACE.
While eating dog meat in China has happened for hundreds of years, the Yulin Dog Meat Festival is NO tradition.
We need to make the world aware and STOP China from allowing the FEstival to happen in 2018 and all years to come.
China needs to understand that in a GLOBAL WORLD - the world's population voice matter and they have to hear it.

Not only dogs but cats are beaten to tender their meat but also tortured before killed and served as culinary delicacies. 

This is one of the most notorious festivals for its animal cruelty.

The festival began only in 2009 and has no valid reason exist. 

About 10,000 dogs and cats were killed and eaten during the 10-day festival.

We need to build up awareness now and help the Government of Yulin see that this is unacceptable. 

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