Demand the National Enquirer promote spaying, neutering, and shelter adoptions.

  • by: Karel Lojowsky
  • recipient: The National Enquirer and specifically its columnist/veterinarian Dr. Jeff LaCroix

Countless pets are destroyed daily in our country. Spay/neuter and shelter adoptions need to be part of the message that over 500,000 Americans see each week.

Each week the National Enquirer reaches approximately 520,795 readers across America. One of the featured columns in the Enquirer is “Ask the Vet” where readers write in with questions that are answered by veterinarian Dr. Jeff LaCroix. While his answers to readers’ questions are medically sound, he is ignoring the chance to help decrease the number of unwanted pets that are destroyed in America each day by not promoting, as a regular part of his column, the messages of spay or neuter and  shelter adoptions.

Recently, Dr. LaCroix devoted an entire column to advising a pet owner who had bred her dog on how to deal with the upcoming birth of the litter. Nowhere did he mention spaying the dog after it gave birth or neutering the puppies as soon as possible. By not giving this thoughtful and timely advice, Dr. LaCroix missed an opportunity to help decrease our pet overpopulation.

Let’s ask Dr. LaCroix to include two simple messages as a regular part of his column: spay or neuter your pet and adopt your next pet from a shelter. Imagine the difference this message could make in the lives of countless animals.

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