Tell the DEA: #Reschedule420!

"Cannabis is not an entrance drug. It is an exit drug for the pharmaceutical crisis." -- Dr. Uma Dhanabalan, Boston physician

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will decide "in the first half of 2016" if it will reschedule marijuana.

Please sign my petition to urge the DEA to reschedule or deschedule marijuana!

Under the Controlled Substances Act, drugs in the US are classified under five "schedules." Drugs including marijuana, heroin, LSD, and MDMA are currently schedule I drugs. This means the U.S. government classifies them as having a high potential for abuse and no known medical uses. Those of us who live in one of the 23 states where medical marijuana is now legal and beyond know this to be false.

I'm lucky enough to live in a state where I can use medical marijuana to control my anxiety, depression and insomnia. Yet others who suffer from ailments that could be helped by the drug are barred from the medicine.

Countless lives have been destroyed by the War on Drugs, which has been a huge fueler of mass incarceration in the U.S. Prohibition has fueled drug cartels and street violence in the U.S and abroad. There were over 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, according to the ACLU. The War on Drugs is also racist: despite roughly equal usage rates, Black people are 3.73 times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana.

Please sign my petition to urge the DEA to reschedule or deschedule marijuana!
We the undersigned urge you to reschedule marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act. Marijuana is currently a schedule I drug, meaning the U.S. government classifies it as having a high potential for abuse and no known medical uses. Those of us who live in one of the 24 states where medical marijuana is now legal know this to be false.

Countless lives have been destroyed by the War on Drugs, which has been a huge fueler of mass incarceration in the U.S. Prohibition has fueled drug cartels and street violence in the U.S and abroad. There were over 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, according to the ACLU. And despite roughly equal usage rates, Black people are 3.73 times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana.

Dr. Uma Dhanabalan, a Boston physician and member of the MassCann Reform Coalition, may have said it best at a recent White House rally: "Cannabis is not an entrance drug. It is an exit drug for the pharmaceutical crisis."

Please do the right thing and reschedule or deschedule marijuana.

Thank you.
Update #28 years ago
URGENT: Please CALL your Senators and tell them to vote NO on Jeff Sessions, who will escalate the failed War on Drugs! Find your Senators' phone numbers here, and here is a script you can use. Sessions would be disastrous for our civil liberties. Let's flood Senators' phones with calls!
Update #18 years ago
Today the DEA announced it will not loosen federal restrictions on marijuana.

The failed drug war does nothing but ruin people's lives over a plant that has been proven to have medicinal benefits. It's most important than ever that we create a strong showing to the DEA that this drug's criminalization is not what the American people want. Please share the petition:
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