Make PETA acknowledge and interfere with Romania's animal cruelty.

  • by: Toni Repo
  • recipient: Force Romania to stop mass killing innocent animals.

What Romania is doing now is killing all dogs for couple accidents. They will kill all dogs from shelters, homes and streets. They don't just euthanize the animals but use all means possible to kill them, including the inhuman ways.

We need to make People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) acknowledge this problem and do something about it instead of ignoring it. That is their right and responsibility.

Their motto is "Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any way" so this should concern them and they should not just ignore this problem and do something about it.

Long article about this event:

Some parts from the article:

The mayoress of Craiova, Lia Olguta Aliescu, who hates dogs and who is well known for allowing horrible suffering to go on in the local public shelter over which she has the responsibility, did not waste any time and was the first Romanian mayor to announce that she had ordered the killing of all dogs in their local shelter. The killing of the more or less 500 unfortunate souls have started today, September 4, 2013. The next unfortunate souls will probably be the dogs at the public shelter in Râmnicu Vâlcea.

The fate of the 13,000 homeless dogs of Timisoara is also already determined: mayor Nicolae Robu did not waste any time to sentence them all to death!

For the unfortunate animals who have the misfortune to enter such a public shelter, or publicly financed animal shelter, of which most are nothing less than illegal extermination camps run by untrained, poorly educated, underpaid and cruel shelter workers, and where they are being left to starve or to freeze to death, where they die of the consequences of diseases and injuries (often inflicted during the catching) and left without veterinary care, death will come as a welcome relief... because there are many things worse than death. But sadly, very sadly, death won't come swiftly. And it won't be fear nor painless...

If you want to or don't want to sign this petition, but also want to do something else about this situation you can also go and report about this to PETA in

Or sign the petition in the end of the link to Traian Basescu, the President of Romania

More people tell them about this, more seriously they need to take this and can't ignore it any longer.

Thank you for the help and support.

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