Millions Will Likely Die Because of Trump's Decision to End HIV Medication Access

The Trump administration has been doing a lot of heartless things recently. That includes its recent decision to stop distributing life-saving HIV medications in low-income countries. This is a deliberate and calculated choice that will cost millions of lives.

This is not a matter of politics - it is a matter of life and death. Sign the petition to demand that the Trump administration immediately restore funding for and distribution of these vital HIV treatments to protect global health and humanitarian assistance!

For 22 years, a program called the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has delivered indispensable medications and health care to millions of people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It has been credited with saving more than 25 million lives so far! On average, that's more than 1 million people saved from death per year.

For individuals living with HIV, treatment is not optional - it is absolutely essential for survival. Without consistent access to antiretroviral medications, people with HIV will experience rapid viral rebound. This leads to weakened immune systems and increased risk of infections, worsening illness, and death. In particular, pregnant women will face a higher risk of transmitting the virus to their unborn children. As the number of untreated individuals increases, the likelihood of a resurgence in global HIV transmission skyrockets.

The situation is even more dire in some of the world's poorest nations, where PEPFAR funding accounts for nearly all available HIV treatment resources. Cutting off access now will not only result in mass suffering and death, but will also lead to more drug-resistant - and therefore dangerous - strains of HIV.

By shutting down PEPFAR's HIV drug distribution, the Trump administration is endangering the lives of people all over the globe. In just the country of South Africa alone, one study predicts that 600,000 people could die over the next decade, if PEPFAR is halted. This is entirely preventable!

Trump and his cronies are actively deciding to end lives. That is the decision they are making. This is extraordinarily cruel, and we must oppose this!

Speaking out against other outrageous Trump decisions has successfully resulted in his administration reversing their policies in the past, such as with the Muslim Ban back in 2017. The world is watching, and history will not be kind to those who choose cruelty over compassion.

Sign the petition to help us demand that the Trump administration immediately reverse this disastrous decision and reinstate the funding for and distribution of HIV medications worldwide.
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