Tell the DOJ investigate Trump’s shady watch scam!

  • by: OD Action
  • recipient: Department of Justice

Donald Trump has spent his entire business career scamming, extorting, and just straight-up stealing from anyone and everyone — but in the twilight of his political career, the grift is getting out of control.

Trump has recently announced a line of "Trump Watches," which he sells from $499 to $100,000 (!) to his gullible fans, and the whole thing reeks of criminality. These wildly overpriced "watches" are quite obviously nothing but a money-laundering scheme, a vehicle for bribery and getting around campaign finance laws, and the DOJ needs to open an investigation into this little scheme ASAP.

Demand the DOJ investigate Trump's watch scam!

Given that these watches can be purchased with cryptocurrency and wire transfers, corruption activists are concerned that foreign governments could purchase the watches in order to buy favor and influence with Trump.

"Here is a company encouraging people to "join President Trump's watch community," offering up a product that retails for six figures. Each watch, the website promises, will include a "personalized 'Thank You' message from President Trump," ensuring, it seems, that Trump knows who made the purchase," writes the Washington Post.
Given the outrageous amount of corruption that surrounds Trump and his family — receiving at least $7.8 MILLION dollars from foreign governments while he was president — this watch venture stinks to high heaven. The Justice Department should be ALL over this.

Tell the DOJ investigate Trump's shady watch scam!

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