We Demand That Patreon Stops Deplatforming People For Political Speech And Reinstates Everyone Who Wants To Return.

  • by: John W
  • recipient: Patreon

Patreon must follow it's own terms of service & code of conduct. People should only be kicked off the site if they break the rules when on that site.

If the person is not using funds from Patreon or publishing material relating to the "MOB*" rule then Patreon has no right to penalize them. 

Furthermore, Patreon must promise to upload the First Amendment & the UN Charter on Human Rights that guarantees people the Right to Free Speech & Freedom of Assembly.

In addition, they must abolish "MOB*" immediately. 

*Manifest Observable Behaviour. 

Update #26 years ago
Thank you, everyone, for signing my petition. There is a new site where you can support creators of content you like on:
Subscribe Star.


There might be a more permanent solution in the near future.

Update #16 years ago
Thank you for signing this petition.

Sargon of Akkad has stated in his last vlog that he does not want to return to Patreon.
I also learned that many other people are being deplatformed.

I am going to rewrite the petition to:

We Demand that Patreon stops deplatforming people for political speech & reinstates all those who wish to return.

This was the sort of the point of the petition.
I hope this is acceptable to everyone?

Also, please keep sharing this petition.

John W
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