Keep Gotti in his home

Gotti is a Pit Bull that was raised as a Emotional Service Animal. The dog has lived in the home in Fall River, Wisconsin since his birth 4 years ago. Now the city of Fall River has told the owner of Gotti, Tesha Dodge, that she has to get rid of the dog. they have even gone as far as giving Tesha Tickets for 'having the dog in the city limits'.

Gotti is a registered Emotional Service Animal but the City will not recognize the Registeration and demandes that the dog be removed from the city. (Population 1500). We need your help to keep Gotti in his home and in the Service of his owner.

We, the signers of this pitition believe that the city of Fall River could, and should, change its pollicy's regarding the treatment of pit bulls. And specifically Emotional Support Animals. Gotti has lived as a productive sitizen of the Fall River community since its birth over four (4) years ago. He is a frendly aninal that has not showed any aggresion at all. even the City Police that have come to see the dog can attest to this fact.

To continue to force the owner of this Service Animal to abandon it could have detremental effects on the family as a whole and on the Service animals handler specifically. 

We would like you to re-consider your position of allowing Gotti to continue to be the Emotional Support Animal that it has always been and in the home that it is Familiar with.

Update #310 years ago
Our Goiit is in a hell of a battle! The City of Fall River will not rest until we can prove that our Gotti has been removed from the city. Are we that wrong to have an emotional support dog that has a bad reputation for having Bad Owners! We are now asking all of our supporters to visit our YouCaring page to help stop the animal abuse at Your help is needed now more than ever to keep gotti in his home!
Update #210 years ago
Good News, Somewhat! Gotti was granted a stay until a preliminary Hearing can be had. The family presented the court a copy of this petition with over 250 signatures. The Court decided to grant a hearing on the matter. But our fight is not over! We still need your help. Please forward this Petition to all your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter and ask them to join us. I think that if Gotti could talk he would say "Thank you very much for your help". keep the signatures coming.
Update #110 years ago
Gotti's Owner was ordered to appear in court on the 11th of June to determine the fate of Gotti! We love this dog like family and no matter what the outcome of this hearing we will continue to fight the City of Fall River to keep Gotti at home. We still don;t understand the reasons behind this action, but in effect the City will, in effect, evict an entire family from their city!! Please pray for Gotti and his family and help us by signing this petition.
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