Utah Must Legalize Medical Marijuana, Regardless of Mormon Church

I grew up in Utah as a Mormon. I remember learning at church that marijuana was evil and a gateway drug. Now I'm an adult living in Illinois with a chronic illness, and using medical marijuana to treat it has changed my life drastically for the better. Right now there is a bill in Utah that would allow people in Utah to use marijuana for medical purposes, but the Mormon Church is trying to fight against it. 

Sign the petition if you want to see medical marijuana become legal in Utah!

The double standard is glaring: Mormons in Colorado, Illinois and California are allowed to use marijuana as a medicine, but for some reason the Church is stepping in and trying to keep it fully illegal in Utah. Some have speculated that's because the Church has a lot of money in big pharma. But we know that marijuana can help people with chronic illness so much and we know that marijuana can even decrease the amount of deaths by opioids. So the Church's opposition to this extremely limited allowance for medical marijuana does seem suspicious. 

There are so many people, including young children, who know that cannabis can help them. But if they live in Utah they have to choose between obeying the law and getting their medicine. With the Church stepping in like this, there are righteous parents who will need to withhold crucial medicine from their children in order to be loyal to their church. It's completely wrong and twisted. No parent should have to choose between the wellbeing of their child and their good standing in their faith community. 

Because I was raised with the propaganda around how harmful marijuana is, I know all too well how many Utahns may be tempted to just go along with the Church's opposition to this bill. But my message to them is to consider the wellbeing of people around them. Proposition 2 is a VERY limited bill. Patients will still need doctor approval and have a ton of restrictions on how they can use cannabis. This isn't a free-for-all by any means. 

Please sign this petition if you want to Utah to pass this important bill to legalize medical marijuana regardless of the Mormon Church's meddling.
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