Man's best friend is often mistreated. They are beaten, neglected, eaten and even skinned alive for there fur. That's right there are fur coats made from the skins of cats & dogs. Often from kidnapped pets who are confined to a flea-ridden, dirty, rusty cage before being skinned for their fur.
Factories in China have been found to use fur from Foxes, minks, rabbits, dogs, and cats. The poor dogs are thrown to the ground and then stomped to death before being skinned alive. And those are the lucky ones, the unlucky ones are subjected to anal or genital electrocution before being skinned. The fur of the dog is then turned into trim and trinkets. The worst part is the dog fur is mislabeled as mink or rabbit in order to bypass customs. The minx fur coat being sold could very well have been made from dog fur.
It's bad enough that man's best friend is being killed for there meat, but there are sick and greedy people who are turning their fur into a fashion accessory. The thought of wearing a dog is horrifying but the reality is if you wear fur it very well could have been from someone's pet. Once the dog fur is tanned and processed it is almost impossible to tell it apart from other animal furs.
The only way to end this horrific practice is if countries ban the import of pet fur and enforce strict labeling requirements. Many countries including the United States, Australia, Switzerland and the European Union have bans in place but Canada doesn't. In fact, Canada imports 60% of its fur from China. Please sign and share this petition, in a civilized society there is no place for clothing made from man's friend.
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