Demand an End to Loose Environmental Regulations

  • by: Shoshi Weiner
  • recipient: Quiksilver, Chanel, Aeropostale, Free People, Polo, Abercrombie, Hollister

Clothing is a crucial aspect of life, but it is commonly unknown that the creation of clothing is generally an environmentally unfriendly process- using thousands of gallons of water, releasing toxic chemicals, and refusing to enact environment-protecting legislation.
Boycotting these companies (and more) in great numbers would drive their sales down, forcing them to become more environmentally friendly in order to stay in business.

Tell Quiksilver, Chanel, Aeropostale, Free People, Polo, Abercrombie, Hollister, Arie, and any other clothing company that we refuse to buy their products until they significantly reduce their negative environmental impact.

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