President Obama vetoed Keystone XL approval! Now tell him to reject its permits!

President Obama vetoed approval of the climate-killing Keystone XL project today -- but that just means he blocked Congress from taking the usual approval process out of his hands. Big Oil's construction applications are still pending, and it's up to the president to reject them!

If President Obama doesn't reject the pipeline right away, it will only get easier for the Republicans to ram it through -- the next time they pass KXL legislation, it won't be standalone like this one. According to The Hill, "The GOP will try to attach approval for the project to a... [larger] bill that is harder for the president to veto." But if the president rejects the application now, there won't be anything left for the Republicans to approve.

Keystone XL is no ordinary pipeline, and it is not in anyone's best interests -- except foreign oil companies and the oil baron Koch brothers. The pipeline would carry Canadian tar-sands oil, one of the dirtiest fossil fuels on earth, across America's aquifers, farmlands, and wildlife habitat. NASA's top climate expert says the tar sands could mean "game over" for the climate, its mining process is devastating for First Nation tribes, and its pipelines are far more likely to spill. like in the picture above.

Tell President Obama: Thank you for the veto, but it's time to get the rest of the job done! Reject Keystone XL's application once and for all!

Dear President Obama, Thank you for vetoing Congressional Republicans' attempt to ram through Keystone XL. Now please finish the job of keeping your climate promise and permanently reject the tar sands pipeline's permit application, before the Republicans can attach it to larger, must-pass legislation. The overwhelming evidence is clear: Keystone XL would be a disaster for our climate, and is not in our national interest. Tar sands are one of the most carbon polluting sources of oil on the planet, and limiting tar sands expansion is critical to fighting dangerous levels of climate change. Climate scientists, energy experts, the EPA, and even Wall Street and industry analysts agree that the oil industry's plans to expand tar sands development are not possible without the Keystone XL pipeline. That means that the Keystone XL pipeline will drastically increase carbon emissions -- and Mr. President, you promised to stop the pipeline if it increases carbon emissions. Thank you again for your courageous veto; now I urge you to stay true to your word, base your decision on the facts, and reject the climate-killing Keystone XL pipeline's permit NOW. [Your comment will be added here] Thank you, [Your name]

Update #19 years ago
There's a new Keystone XL petition on Care2, called "President Obama: Reject Keystone XL before the Paris climate conference!" Your signature is needed today - the president is flying to the conference in just a few weeks, and needs to gain all the climate credibility he can first! Sign here now:
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