Demand more affordable vet care so more animals and pets get treated when needed

Fortunately the NHS is free . If there was the same for animals funded by what the government waste each day then millions of UK animals would get the treatment they need and no animal would need to suffer.Thousands if not millions of pets go untreated or destroyed because those that actually care haven't the income or savings. Seeings us humans have taken over their lives in one way or another,( being owning , building, leaving them no safe place or sick sports) then surely more can be done by our government that us the people pay in one way or another.
Many elderly lonely people could reduce the need for dog and cat homes for one, at the same time giving them a purpose in life and families with children could also benefit from having some kind of pet to educate the next generation the care they need if only there were no worries of huge vet bills or insurances.
Lets give back what we have taken away from those that aren't human and think we own this world we all live and supposed to share
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