the world haas been invaded by the................... PLASTIC BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

COME ON VICTORIA there is only 3 states left in Australia who havnt banned the bags!!!!!!! and seen as your my home town im going to put halve the shame on you! but dont worry im equally as angry and New South Wales and Western Australia! there has been riots on the internet and everything!!!! what does is take to convince you guys to change !!!!!! i do my best to make my state/city a better place and if you dont do it on here ill go to greenpeace and if that doesnt work ill come personaly over to you and tell you whats right and whats wrong, im a stubborn little ten year old arnt i? !!!!!!!!

Victoria, Western Australia and New South Whale  have NOT banned the bag our politicians are not stepping up so we will!

i believe that what we have done to earth is an absoulute DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am very angry and all states around the world should step up! if your state has banned the bags show how it has helped! if your state has not show people how bad it is help me convince the world this is wrong!  sign my petition and leave your pictures and comment in the comments!

Many people will be wondering what i will do with signatures? i will give them to greenPeace or maybe i will just march up there and tell them what i think and give them these signatures personaly and if they dont agree ill give them a piece of my mind !!!!!!! 

Update #57 years ago
thank you to everyone who has signed my petition recently i am so proud to be here, looking after the world with you all. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update #47 years ago
thank you to everyone who has signed my petition recently i am so proud to be here, looking after the world with you all. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update #37 years ago
Thank you to all my supporters. Your signatures mean so much to me, because i care about our planet!!!!!!!!!!!!

The great news is Victoria and New South Wales have decided to ban the bags!!!!! permanently! "will phase out single-use plastic bags in the next 12 months!"

go to @greenpeaceaustraliapacific to find out more.

thank you so much for the effort you all put into this, i really appreciate it,

i will leave the petition up for the moment.
love from Emilia

Update #27 years ago
share this with your friends poor animals are dying and we have brought this down on them we are horrible creatures!!!! i know it hurts you but its true so share please and don't let us destroy this world! if your convinced go and do this if not listen here

i am going to say something very important, before the British arrived her we were doing better than good and keeping sustainability and then they came and it still was not as bad as it is now! then we really went down! do something!!!!!!!!
Update #17 years ago
ACTION IS TAKEN: action is taken by the Northern Territory government, they have once a for all BANNED the bags in their state and now that they have taken their action it will be showed everywhere and now that they have shown what they can change why don't we do the same it will not be copying it will be showing we care for the environment too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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