SAVE MAKAI CURB Parking at Ala Moana Beach Park

  • by: Malama Moana
  • recipient: All Hawaii residents who use Ala Moana Park for fun and relaxation, Hawaii

Mayor Caldwell is planning to, "Rearranging the parking along the makai side of Ala Moana Park Drive to open views to the ocean and add loading and unloading zones".

   NO!  This will make everyone cross the street after parking on the mauka side of the street and create even more traffic and hazardous conditions.

He also is planning to, "Widening the promenade along the makai side of Ala Moana Park Drive".

  NO!  This will take away areas where families set up tents to picnic, individuals lounge and relax in the shade, friends talk story, etc.

Keep Ala Moana Beach Park for the people who use the park, welcome those who come, but don't turn it into another "Waikiki"!

Update #36 years ago
Last week the Parks, Community and Customer Services Committee adopted Resolution 18-50!!

Next week the City Council will meet and one of the agenda items is Committee Report 97 (CR-97) which addresses Resolution 18-50.

The meeting will be held at the Honolulu Hale, 3rd Floor, City Council Chamber, March 28, 10AM. Please look at the front page of the petition for more information.
Update #26 years ago
Councilmembers Ann Kobayashi and Trevor Ozawa has proposed the following resolution to address the concern's the public has with the proposed changes to AMRP.

There is going to be a meeting held at the Honolulu Hale, March 20, 9AM. Please look at the front page of the petition for more information.
Update #17 years ago
Recently interviewed Malama Moana spokeperson(s) and others about the petition you signed to save Ala Moana Beach Park. We are gaining momentum...YAY! Mahalo everyone.

If you missed the broadcast or would like to see it again you can go to:

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