Protect Orcas From Deadly Navy Sonar

  • by: Care2 member
  • recipient: EIS Project Manager - U.S. Navy, Northwest
"The harms of Navy sonar use are well documented, implicated in the mass strandings of marine mammals from Southern California to the Bahamas and as far as the Canary Islands off the coast of Morocco.

In 2004 Naval sonar use stranded as many as 200 melon-headed whales in Hanalei Bay, near Hawaii. Now the Pacific Northwest is about to get more Navy war games off its coast if we don't act fast.

There are only about 80 orcas left off the coast of Washington, Oregon and California -- so protection for each of them is vital.

Please urge the Navy to train in a way that doesn't tear the fragile fabric of our oceans' web of life."
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