Someone Abandoned Their Senior Dog. This Pup Deserved Better!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Warwick Police Department

In a heartbreaking event, an elderly dog was cruelly abandoned at Pawtuxet Memorial Park in Warwick, Rhode Island. Tragically, the poor dog was later euthanized due to poor health. This appalling act of animal abuse against a defenseless senior dog highlights a grave issue: the mistreatment and neglect of our older canine companions who deserve love, respect, and proper care in their later years.

Sign this petition to urge the Warwick Police Department to intensify their efforts in finding and bringing to justice the individual responsible for this cruel act.

Senior dogs, with their lifetime of loyalty and love, deserve to spend their final days in comfort and dignity. The abandonment and subsequent suffering of this elderly dog is a stark reminder of the responsibilities we hold towards our animal friends, especially as they age and become more vulnerable.

The Warwick Police Department has opened an animal abuse investigation, and we implore them to use all available resources to find the person responsible for this inhumane act. We also ask the community to come forward with any information that could aid in this investigation.

Sign the petition to call for justice for the senior dog abandoned in Pawtuxet Memorial Park. Together, we can send a strong message that animal abuse is intolerable and that our senior pets deserve our utmost care and protection.

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