Stop Coyote Killing Derby This Weekend

  • by: Maria Y
  • recipient: Commander Dobb

Good afternoon Commander Dobb,
I was just made aware of your post sponsored upcoming coyote killing contest. As a member of the American Legion and a 20 year veteran I am not only angered but also saddened that you would sponsor such an event. I take great pride in being a veteran and a member of my local Legion, but after hearing of this contest I question both. As patriots we are supposed to protect and defend those in need not slaughter those weaker. If you read the Preamble to the Constitution Of The American Legion you will see "to promote peace and good will on earth". Do you believe supporting this contest does either? In my opinion, this is the most ridiculous way to bring money into the Legion and in my opinion it should not be allowed. I fully support hunting and fishing but I do not understand basic murder of coyotes that apparently you feel are not needed simply for pleasure and profit. There is absolutely no benefit to anyone or anything supporting these killing contests except to devalue life (even if it is a coyote) and right now I am quite ashamed to call myself a member of the American Legion. What kind of message do you believe this sends to our youth that are already surrounded by violence? Do you think it is wise to teach them that they can kill simply for a monetary prize. This country already lacks compassion and as the American Legion I believe we should be on the cutting edge of "doing the right thing". These events are ethically and morally wrong and in no way represent my ideals, therefore I will no longer support the American Legion if these types of events are sanctioned and supported. Furthermore, I will make it known to any current or prospective members of the American Legion that these type of events are occurring at your Legion. I understand it is scheduled for this weekend (Jan 5th-7th) so stopping it is probably unrealistic, but I respectfully ask that you reconsider sponsoring this barbaric, cruel and unprofessional event.
Dear Commander Dobb,
I agree with the above mentioned and I am a very active member of the American Legion Post 291 Newport Harbor. Until this is stopped, I will not be participating in any activities at the American Legion.
Very Respectfully,
Randall W. Young (USCG-Ret.)
Maria E. Young, Chaplain and Community Service
Post 291 Newport Harbor
Those of you that agree please write to Commander Dobb at: ASAP. Maybe we can stop this now!!

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