Protect the Shubenacadie River: Stop the Alton Natural Gas Storage Project

Nova Scotia just approved an underground natural gas storage project that is a disaster waiting to happen. The $100M project would hollow out salt caverns on the edge of the Shubenacadie River by pumping the river water through the caverns and releasing the brine water into this vital fresh water river.

The Shubenacadie River is the last spawning grounds of the Striped Bass in the province. The acidification caused by increased salt in the water would completely change the ecology of the river.

As well, a recent independent analysis of underground hydrocarbon storage determined that salt cavern storage for natural gas is unadvisable due to the risks associated. This study determined that 65% of salt caverns used for natural gas storage in the US haveresulted in serious to extremely serious incidents, including explosions, evacuations and death.

Now, the Sipekne'katik First Nation are appealing the decision to approve the project. Though the province has said that they have adequately consulted with First Nations in the province, several First Nations remain adamantly opposed to the project and insist that adequate consultation was not given.

By signing today you are standing for the protection of a vital fresh water river. We must protect our waters and stand with First Nations in the protection of their traditional territories.

To the Honourable Stephen McNeil, 

As someone who cares deeply for the environment and who knows that we must honour our relationship with First Nations in this country, I am completely dismayed at your recent decision to approve the Alton Natural Gas Storage Project. 

I demand that you stop this project. The Sipekne'katik First Nation does not approve of the project and they are the closest to the river. The Shubenacadie River is vital to their cultural integrity and to the health and welfare of their people. 

It is also the last spawning ground in the province for the Striped Bass. This river is integral to the fresh water ecosytem of the province and must be protected. 

Not only that, but underground natural gas storage poses an unacceptable risk to the people of the province. It is at high risk of serious or extremely serious incidents including explosion, evacuation and human death. 

This project must be stopped for the health of the environment and the people of Nova Scotia. 

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