Demand Justice for Nahshon Jackson

We are seeking justice for Nahshon Jackson, a man that has spent 25 years of his life in prison for a crime he did not commit. He has had his rights stripped away and is a victim of state-sponsored slavery.
Nahshon was arrested without a warrant, abused during questioning, was not given bail, and did not have a proper trial. After living through years of injustice and trauma, Nahshon was finally released from prison in 2017. He has spent these past few years working for Network Support Services and helping people like himself.
However Nahshon is not a free man, he is still on parole and will be for the rest of his life. Other formerly incarcerated individuals have been released from their parole after a number of years due to Governor Cuomo's Comprehensive Reforms for Re-entry into society. Yet Nahshon, an innocent man, is still sacrificing his freedom and rights.
By signing this petition the People of the State of New York hereby demand that Nahshon Jackson get released from his parole and receive justice for everything that he has endured during his wrongful conviction.

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