Replace Animal Testing with Alternative Methods in every UN-state
By Johanna Konradsson
Recipients: The General Assembly of United Nations, Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of United Nations, Emmanuell Macron, President of France, Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, Donald Trump, President of USA, Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Xi Jinping, President of China, Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister of Italy, Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain, Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden, Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, President of United Arab Emirates, Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway.
United Nations and their member states must integrate and act against animal testing. They have the power to do that, so they should do the right thing and support animal rights just like they support human rights. Just like humans animals are capable to feel and to suffer, and that is the reason to why they must be afforded rights.
United Nations claim that rights - such as the right to life, and the right to not have to be exposed to torture and other cruel treatment - will be granted every human being, which means that disregard due to sex, ethnicity, grade of intelligence or other characteristics may not occur. But yet United Nations with their member states ignore big injustices just due to individuals' characteristics and qualities. That is what they do when they do not afford animals rights. Just because animals do not have all the characteristics and qualities of a human being they are denied rights.
In animal testing several animals are exposed to suffering and are killed. Animal testing is a form of grave torture since it is expressed in a very similar way; animals are exposed to electricity, they are scalded and burnt just like human beings have been exposed to during grave torture. United Nations claims that torture is wrong and never may happen. But obviously United Nations is not against the act of torture itself since they do not act against that animals are exposed to tormenting experiments very alike torture. This is nothing but a double standard of morality. How do United Nations and their member states justify their non-actions for animal rights? They simply can not justify that! Because there is no justification for that!
There are alternative methods to animal testing, and by adopting a resolution United Nations must urge their member states to prioritize and put money to these methods in order so they can replace animal testing. Today far too little money are paid to alternative methods, but billions are invested in other research fields. So it is not shortage of money that is the reason to why the member states of United Nations invest so little money in development of alternative methods to animal testing. It is the will to do it that lacks.
To conclude: United Nations must make a resolution demanding their member states to pay more money to alternative methods and pursuing the issue of animal rights just like they pursue issues of human rights. That is the only right thing to do and United Nations and their member states have to realize that!
Be good and great and act for the animals! Don't you want them to live and be happy? Of course you do! Please sign the petition and make animal testing to stop!
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