It is sad and horrifying to see elephants shackled and beaten to the pleasure of humans for whatever reason. Often time’s young animals are taken from their moms so early on and is a drastic event for the babies. They are then used to provide entertainment for tourist attractions, festivals, temples and other activities. To get the babies, the mothers are frequently slaughtered, also threatening any other herd member that may get in the way. This is such a horrific experience for the young elephants and just the beginning of a road of continual abuse and cruelty.
The young elephants then in captivity are deprived of food, water and sleep while be subjected to brutality and beatings with chains, rods and bull hooks (which is a rod with a sharp metal hook at the point of impact on the animal. We are pleading with the Prime Minister of India to take some immediate and stringent action to stop these brutal, horrific practices that endangers so many of these animals.
You can help us in our efforts to stop the brutality on young and other elephants in India for tourists and human pleasure by signing and sharing this petition. We are asking that these beautiful animals be able to remain in their own natural habitat, while encouraging the tourism bureaus to ensure that such attractions of brutality be removed from an attraction itinerary. The only option to viewing any of these precious beings is in a genuine, safe sanctuary or in wildlife reserves where they can be viewed at a reasonable distance that does not threaten or endanger their existence. Help us to save these elephants from abusive, cruel treatment. Read -
Narendra Damodardas Modi, Prime Minister of India – We strongly urge you to end the brutality that baby elephants endure by being snatched from their herds and treated abusively and cruelly for human pleasure. End the pain, improper treatment and brutality of captive elephants. These animals belong only in their own natural forestry habitats or kept in safe, humane sanctuaries if necessary. You also need to ensure that the tourism department not include the exploitation of elephants as part of tourist’s attractions like those in festivals, temples and other activities. Protect these animals and ban these horrific practices on elephants.
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