While under the care of Judy Boersma ( who is in charge of the Crown Point, Indiana Chihuahua Rescue ) Our small Havanese Dog " Charlie brown " suffered a 12% loss of his body weight and was returned to us with feces matted into his hair on the belly and anal area. The fecal matter had to be cut away from the rectal area and once that was done it exposed the red, raw, and irritated skin around the anal area leading up the tail area.
We know the exact weight loss because Charlie was seen 3 days earlier (Crown Point, Indiana Veterinarian) for his normal check up with rabies and boarding shots.
While boarded in her care we had contact with Judy thru texts and all texts were telling how great he was eating and doing. At no time were we notified that Charlie had any problems that would need medical attention. We did sign a medical waiver for her just in case so that shouldn't have been an issue.
We have all documentation, picture, doctors exam, police report showing the condition of the dog when he was returned. His weight before was 19lb and after was 16.8 thats 2.2 pounds in 8 days. he was perscribed panalog ointment for the area.
Charlie is slowly recovering ....he now has separation anxiety. One can only imagine what he went thru in those 8 long days. Sitting in his own feces and urine is unacceptable!
We are asking for the maximum penalty under the current charges.
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