free the goats

Hi I'm Jordan and I'm trying to stop goat slavery. Goat slavery is a very important topic because I believe goats of all shapes and colors should be free to buy their own popcorn and buy their own carrots. The first thing I would do to help free goats is to take all the baby goats to etiquette school. The second thing I would do is it make sure all goats get paid for every petting zoo ticket they are in. Thirdly I would try to train goats to use their money wisely. Fourthly I would make sure goats will eventually have the same rights we do such as but not limited to owning land/ a house, getting a pet, buying groceries in all the stores, and to make sure goats are allowed in all restaurants. Fifthly I would make sure little goats can go to school and make friends and learn new things. Sixthly I would try my best to design goat car witch goats would drive. They would even be goat powered. Lastly, I will make sure the goats will be free do what they want not what there told to do by farmers. Remember I am trying to start small eventually all the farm animals will be besides chickens eventually. "Why not chickens" because they are evil and are planning world domination. So please help me save the goats and remember never trust a chicken.

Jordan koopman

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