• by: Isaiah Laitinen
  • recipient: Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology

Up to 1,500 dolphins are hunted every year in the Solomon Islands using the cruel method of driving them to shore and killing them with spears and knives. They are killed for their teeth in what is becoming an increasingly commercial hunt, and this trade is large enough to wipe out local populations of spotted, spinner, and bottlenose dolphins. Dolphins have also been captured alive for the aquarium trade. This hunt paints a bad image of the Solomon Islands, and we demand an end to the cruel slaughter!

Update #24 years ago
Thank you all for over 1,100 signatures. I have emailed the government of the Solomon Islands with our signatures. In the meantime, please contribute to the Dolphin Project's mission to work with local communities to end this practice:

Update #15 years ago
Hello all,

Thank you for 1,000 signers! I hope for many more to come. I have emailed the Solomon Islands Ministry of the Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology to make them aware of our petition. I urge everyone to take 2 minutes to make a phone call or write an email respectfully making your voice heard. Only when everyone works together will we see change. For the dolphins!!!
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