Suspend Officer After Crude Remarks About Truck & Animal Accident on Facebook

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: The Seaside Heights Police Department

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to speak out to the New Jersey Police Department regarding an officer who made some very harsh, inappropriate remarks on Facebook after witnessing an auto accident. In the mishap, a truck plunged into the icy Toms River with a driver and his dog inside. Despite attempts to save his animal, the dog perished but the officer made some disresptful remarks on social media, which is so terribly uncalled for!!!!

Unfortunate accidents do occur and public service is there to do just that, serve and protect the public. In this recent incident, Seaside Heights Police Sgt. Thomas Yannacone was on duty when called about a truck that plunged into the icy waters of the Toms River in New Jersey. The driver of the truck is facing charges of third-degree criminal mischief as well as reckless driving and pollution but he did attempt to go back and save his two year-old dog. Rolo was a boxer-mix, similar to the one above and weighing 70 pounds. The young dog did drown in the accident.

However, while still on duty, Officer Yannacone made these following statements on Facebook - "Keeping with the same topic...Why didn't the dog do the Doggie Paddle...Was his favorite movie Dog Day Afternoon...And was he listening to Van Halen's Diver Down just before going thru the ice ? These are the questions I want answered !!!" "Truck plunging thru the ice with a dog inside brings a whole new meaning to FROZEN WEINER or DIRTY WATER DOG...What, to soon, calm down u animal loving freaks..."

This officer is still under investigation but we want to ensure that he is suspended while under investigation and should clearly be pumnished for his poor conduct in "servince and protecting." This guy is not someone with the best intest of the public in mind and clearly has no regard for animals!!! Please help us in our efforts to get a suspension and proper punishment for his disrepect and inappropriate behaviors by signing and sharing this petition every where possible to get the word out and get justice served for poor Rolo.

The Seaside Heights Police Department - It is very disturbing that you have Officers like Police Sgt. Thomas Yannacone to serve and protect the community, including the pet animal community!! What he did and said about the recent accident including the boxer-mix Rolo, posting his distrepectful comments on Facebook is so wrong and inappropriate. It is very clear that through his comments, he does not care much for animals and handled this situation very poorly. He needs to be suspended during the investigation and needs to be penalized in some manner that will stop such abusive words and behaviors in the future care of those needing police service. This was a very poor example of your department serving and protecting the community, including all animals. Justice needs to be served for Rolo, a young dog who lost his life to no fault of his own and then being disrespected of Facebook by a servant of the community.

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