Stop Toxic Pesticide Use at our Schools, on Playing Fields and on all Town Owned Land

We frequently see a sign on the Common that says keep children and pets off the grass. This is due to to the fertilizer and insecticide treatments used on the Common. I worry when I see children frolicking and somersaulting on the grass around the farmers market and at the summer concerts.  I also have worried about our children's exposure to toxic pesticides from playing on sports fields and playgrounds. Our objective is to have the Town of Hopkinton transition to an Organic Land Care and Pest Management program that would be practiced on all town-owned land. This type of program will also protect our diminishing pollinators.  Thank you for your show of support on the petition. We welcome you to be part of the Hopkinton Environmental Advisory Team (HEAT) to help us make this transition a reality.

Update #35 years ago
Thank you for your support of our initiative to stop the use of toxic pesticides on school property, playing fields, The Common and all town-owned land. After 9 meetings with various town boards, this petition is being formally submitted tonight. If you have friends and neighbors that have not signed please forward the petition, so that we can get some more signatures before we close it out. Thank you for helping us protect our kids.
Update #25 years ago
Thank you for all who have signed the petition, your support will mean a great deal when we meet with the various committees in town. Please take a look at this video that has gone nationwide thanks to Stonyfield.

Please forward to those that would like to see our kids play free of toxic chemicals.
Thank you,

Laura Davis
Update #16 years ago
Thanks for signing on to this petition. We will be presenting this initiative to the various town departments and committees that need to be involved: Board of Health, Parks & Recreation, School, DPW. Early feedback from the Health Department has been very supportive.

We know that many residents are concerned about ticks. Just like beautiful green lawns, tick and other pest control can be achieved with an organic solution. Thank you for your support.
Laura and Don
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