Save the Giant Anteater from Extinction

"Between the years 2000 and 2010 alone, the total population of giant anteaters has rapidly decreased by over 30%. Although they are not currently an endangered species, scientists estimate that there are as little as 5,000 of these animals remaining in the wild today.

This decline is largely the result of human practices, such as sport hunting and habitat destruction. Populations of giant anteaters in Central and South America are particularly threatened by habitat loss. In Brazil, for example, the burning of sugar cane plantations prior to the harvest period leads to the deaths of a significant number of giant anteaters. Furthermore, these animals are often hunted for food and sold in the illegal trade as pets.

Urge the Argentinean president to enact legislation in order to do this. The future of this 25 million-year-old species depends on it."

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