Help End The Annual Canadian Seal Hunt

Canada's annual commercial seal hunt, which occurs in March and April, is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet.  The government placed the total allowable catch for 2012 at 400,000.  Seals are smashed over the head with a tool known as the hakapik (a club with a large metal spike attached) or shot with a rifle. The animals are then dragged across the ice and skinned, often while still alive. We live in a country that states, "With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!" in the national anthem along with, "God keep our land glorious and free!" yet the government allows this major contradiction to occur on our very lands. These animals are innocent and the people that kill them have no right in doing it at all. It is not about how fast they die, or how they die, it's the fact that they die. These helpless seal pups live for twelve days before being murdered...twelve days! We have become such a cruel, blinded world lately that no one pays attention to these kinds of things. I can't even comprehend why this is legal in Canada let alone rightful and justified. This is murder in the worst way..It's time to let those with heart and soul to stand up for what they believe in. Today, we need to rise up because if we don't, no one else will! We need to stop buying these products such as leather or fur coats because this is why they are killed. Signing this won't change everything. You need to play your part as well as sign this! We live in a dying world. Now is the time to change it before it's too late! I am disgusted in this species. There is no part in my entire being that understands how such cruelty could happen. We've become so blinded by the paper in our pockets that we've forgotten about the very world in which it came from. We have so much potential; humans have changed the world faster in the past thousand years than any other species to ever walk the Earth yet we can't create a righteous, loving, and sustainable world..

Here's some links about seal clubbing with videos and tonnes of information:

Update #110 years ago
Me and my friend Saraa Renaud have done a great job in the last few days. We got a total of 1,000 signatures in three days! Help us reach our goal of 50,000 each. We are going to put them together when we both reach our goals. I hope we can stop this! Thank you so much! Share this petition if you can! It would mean everything to us!
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