DON'T SELL OUR HERITAGE! Keep the Pentridge Warder's Bluestone Cottage in public hands. URGENT

  • by: C J
  • recipient: Moreland City Councillors

You really have to wonder what goes on in the Moreland City Council offices. From the brilliant minds that brought you the by-laws issue, the Hosken Reserve issue, the Methven Park issue, the paid residential parking fiasco, and so on and so forth, comes yet another BRAINWAVE:

Let's sell the Historic Pentridge Warder's Bluestone Cottage and accompanying parcel of land at 82 Bell Street, Coburg! Let's sell off this COUNCIL ASSET of incalculable value. Let's sell something that BELONGS TO THE COMMUNITY OF MORELAND. Just because. Why not, when there's money to be made, am I right? *greed abounds*

This is to be voted on by Councillors on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST THE 11TH. Yes! That soon.

***IMPORTANT NOTE: This petition is not associated with the Coburg Historical Society. Views expressed herein are not representative of the CHS.

What's going on?

Apparently, unbeknownst to the general population, Moreland City Council wants to create some sort of Health Hub/wellness centre in the middle of town. Good for jobs or something like that. AND WHAT BETTER PLACE TO HAVE IT THAN A PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING A HISTORIC BUILDING, EH? I mean, it's not like we value our heritage or anything. Perish the thought. You only have to look at Gandolfo Gardens or the Signal Box to see how much we value our heritage around here - oh, sorry! You can't look at them, because they're gone. Literally smashed to smithereens.

Why sell to a private developer?
You really have to wonder. Moreland City Council is not short on cash and has managed to come through the COVID-19 crisis quite nicely. It was one of the few Councils that did not offer residents any discount on rates.

Does the building need substantial renovations or is it expensive to maintain?

Is it being used?
Yes, it has been the home of the Coburg Historical Society for 40 years now, who have been doing valuable work for the Moreland Community and Council on a volunteer basis, from the goodness of their hearts. If you need historical information, that's where you go.

Wouldn't a private developer be obligated to protect the Cottage?
Yeah nah. They'd find a way to decimate it, just like Pentridge. A heritage building isn't going to make them money. Or perhaps they'd just do the traditional shonky 'keep the facade' tactic after accidentally knocking it down... And definitely keep those pesky peasants... er... residents out!

Surely public consultation is required?

*cue hysterical laughter* Given the MCC's track record in this department, it is entirely doubtful that the community will be given any sort of meaningful opportunity to express their opinion on this topic.

And why the rush?
Why, indeed.

It is beyond disappointing that Council Officers have decided to take this decidedly-unhelpful approach. Has anything been learned from the sale and appalling destruction of Pentridge, an amazing and unique asset that could have been retained in full and become a fascinating and lucrative tourist attraction? Apparently nothing at all. Whatever did become of that Museum the developers were obliged to create at Pentridge? Gone with the wind... *muses*

Notwithstanding all the things that have been lost forever, we now have a chance to PROTECT an IRREPLACEABLE PART OF COBURG'S HERITAGE AND CULTURE. By signing this petition, you send a clear message to the Moreland City Council that they need to keep the Bluestone Cottage in public hands.

On Wednesday August 11th Moreland Councillors will be asked to vote on a recommendation to sell the vacant land to the east of the Moreland Municipal complex in Coburg , which will include the land and Pentridge Warder's Bluestone Cottage (built in 1864 and on the Victorian heritage Register HO 0689) at 82 Bell Street. The house is the only remaining Bluestone Cottage located on Bell Street close to the Gaol and within the sound of the bells that called Warders to work. The cottage and kitchen are closely linked to Pentridge Gaol as they were built, occupied and owned by generations of the Smith family (with Warders in its first 2 generations, then Coburg blacksmiths and politicians) until purchased by the City of Coburg in 1978. It remains an important building in the context of the early white settlement in the Pentridge and later Coburg municipalities.

The 49 year old Coburg Historical Society logo is the Bluestone Cottage and it has been the Society's headquarters for 40 years!

The committee of management of the Coburg Historical Society do not support the relocation of their Society headquarters from the Bluestone Cottage and do not favour the sale of the land on which the Bluestone Cottage stands. It should not be put into private ownership. They believe that the best and most appropriate future use of the site should be as the continued home of the Coburg Historical Society - with the Cottage and detached kitchen restored and used as an interpretive centre, with a purpose built storage, exhibition and research archive building constructed adjacent with State and Council financial support. They believe that continued Council ownership of the Cottage and their occupancy of it will be the only way to guarantee its future survival.

The Society does significant work for Moreland - running a history lecture series, generating a quarterly research newsletter, opening weekly for the community, including many school group and organising heritage walks (COVID-19 restrictions permitting). The Society also assists Council - on a completely volunteer basis – by nominating buildings for heritage protection and answering questions about Coburg history from residents and other interested parties. The Society holds a collection of objects and documents relating to the history of all areas of Coburg and Pascoe Vale, in three buildings - the Bluestone Cottage, the kitchen and the Gordon Perlstein Annex – a former garage located behind the two State and Local heritage significant buildings at the front of the property.

The Council Officer's Report and recommendation will be put on the Moreland Council Website on Friday August 6th.

YOU CAN HELP by signing and sharing this urgent petition with family, friends and social media,

Please send a message to the Moreland Councillors stating your opinion about the proposed sale of this land and buildings to a private developer and the relocation of the Coburg Historical Society and its important artifacts.

You can readily find details of the Councillors on the MCC website (not able to post here, unfortunately).

East ward Councillors (in which the cottage is located ); Mayor Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan ; Cr Helen Pavlidis ; Cr Sue Bolton ; Cr Adam Pulford

West ward councillors: Cr Helen Davidson ; Cr Oscar Yildiz JP ; Cr Milad El Halabi JP/CMC ; Cr Angelica Panopoulos

South Ward councillors : Cr James Conlan ; Deputy Mayor Cr Mark Riley ; Cr Lambros Tapinos

NOTE: This petition was not set up by the Coburg Historical Society, nor is it endorsed by them. It was set up by a private citizen, who is particularly angry about the way MCC treats its residents and historical assets. The CHS have their own petition, and I encourage you to look for it online via Change Org, and sign it as well. Both petitions are skyrocketing - which is what we want. And hooray for democracy!

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