On Monday, March 14, 2011 between the hours of 8:00am and 10:00am our beloved dog Taz escaped from our yard. I had been sent home from work because it was raining and windy. I am in construction so this is very common in the winter months. When I arrived home I saw Taz was not there, so I immediately began to look for him. After a couple of hours of looking for him I called the pound and was advised I needed to contact Mike Horton with the Klamath County Animal Control.

I called Mr. Horton immediately only to learn that Taz had been shot and killed, on the next block in a residential area by a resident of Klamath County. Mr. Horton proceeded to tell me the man who shot and killed Taz said Taz was attacking his dog and children. Mr. Horton continued with out any remorse to tell me the shooting was justified, and I am lucky no one was killed or hurt. He then said I have now been red flagged for owning mean dogs and Im lucky he is not writing me a citation for my other dog that got out of my yard last summer. What that comment had to do with this situation I really dont know?

 The icing on the cake is when Mr. Horton said to me I thought about taking Taz to the vet but decided against it. Was my dog still alive and could have been saved? Is this the appropriate action that is generally taken when an animal has been wounded?  Animal control decides whether or not the animal lives? Phone records should be available; I would love the commissioners board to listen to the phone conversation between Mike Horton and myself. Mr. Horton showed no compassion what-so-ever. I was treated as if I was a criminal.

On the morning of March 14th 2011 betweeAN the above mentioned hours it was pouring down rain. The man that killed our dog said Taz was attacking his dog and children, this-is-an-absolute-lie. Taz was a very loving, docile and kind dog that loved children and other animals. He was raised around small children 18 months and up. He was also raised around other dogs I saw to it that he was very socialized. Taz has never been aggressive towards anyone or animal. Had Mike Horton done some investigating he would have found that out.

I find it very hard to believe this mans children were hard at play on the morning of March 14th 2011 between the hours of 8:00am and 10:00am with the weather conditions at that time. Did Mike Horton actually speak to these children? Were these children hurt? Did they receive medical attention? How about the dog that was allegedly attacked by Taz? Did this mans dog receive medical attention? Arent there generally injuries when a dog attacks? I was so up set at the time of my conversation with Mr. Horton I could not think of these questions. I had just lost my dog and best friend. How was I going to explain this to the kids? So much was going through my head and the way I was treated by Mr. Horton didnt help matters.

I have recently learned the man that shot our dog does not have small children; in fact his children are grown and no longer live at home. This man that killed our dog is a liar and is getting a pass because of Mike Horton. I am still trying to digest this horrible ordeal of the shooting of our family pet and the fact that maybe he could have been saved, but Mr. Horton decided not to take him to the vet. I would have paid the vet or any citations Mr. Horton wanted to write me in order to save our dog. I cannot get over Mr. HortoNs comment I thought about taking him to the vet, but decided against it this is wrong!

Mr. Horton is way off base by calling this a justified shooting (murder). Did Mr. Horton take pictures as to where my dog laid dead? I need to know was he really on this mans property? Were there witnesses? Where is my dog now? Did Mr. Horton talk with any of my neighbors before threatening me that I have been red flagged for owning mean dogs? If this was the case I would have been warned long ago. Mr. Horton has not received one complaint about me owning mean dogs. If Mr. Horton would have done his job and spoke with a few of my neighbors he would have found out just the opposite.

 This shooting is not justified by any means, and two men have lied to cover up the truth. Shooting and letting our family pet suffer is beyond the pale. I cannot get the image out of my head. Can you just imagine? I am a grown man that cries every single night do to loss of our dog. I loved Taz with all my heart.

I feel discriminated against because Taz was a Pit Bull a very well-bred working dog that was raised and trained to love people and animals. Mr. Horton was wrong on his judge, jury and execution of our dog. Someone with such clouded views on certain breeds should not be allowed around animals.

I have a very big battle ahead of me to fight for the justice of our Taz and others. Animals need to be treated humanely no matter what breed. Should we shoot every dog that accidentally gets out of their yard? If so we dont need animal control, we can just take care of it ourselves. It worked for the man that shot our dog. I have enclosed some reading material on Pitt Bulls that apparently your officer doesnt know. Maybe it will be one step in the right direction.

I have recently videoed the dog that my dog allegedly attacked, he was on Homedale wondered across the street into the field  and stood at my back fence as he has done on many occasions, when I tried to get out of my vehicle the dog charged at me keep in mind this mans dog is a Lab. My Pit Bull didNt do things like that ever! I dont think for one moment it was my dog that was the aggressor. I have also learned this mans Lab wanders over to the neighbors house for food, isnt that considered a nuisance? Bet Mike didnt know that did he? Maybe someone should shoot this mans dog seems as if it would be justified right?

I am requesting some sort of proof of these accusations against my dog Taz, other than the word of these two men. It is my understanding a full on report should have been done, pictures, witnesses, etc. Its wrong for someone to shoot your dog because it looks mean, or because the breed is frowned upon. Taz was awesome! This man that took our dogs life has no idea what he has done to this family.


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