RSPCA a 17 stone "freedom food" pig requires more than 8.6 sq feet This is not FREEDOM

The RSPCA, at a cost:

allow private farms, abattoirs, packers etc., to become member of “Freedom Food” and so label their meat as "Freedom Food" implying that the animal had some sort of normal "free" life prior to being slaughtered. However the “RSPCA Pig Welfare Standards” allow a 110 KG (17 stone) pig a minimum space of less than one sq metre (8.6 sq ft). Of this space only one third or less than three sq feet must be mucked out twice weekly. Thus the pig can live its entire life in filth behind bars scarcely able to even lie down. The full details can be found here:

Thus RSPCA minimum standards allow factory farming for pigs!

We have all been brought up to trust the RSPCA, if an animal needs help - call the RSPCA. Can this now be regarded as true? Keeping an animal in this way is both cruel and unnatural. It causes great stress, discomfort and in no way guards the welfare of the pigs. They have less space than many pot plants and are kept in filth. We are shocked to find that your standards allow this. We believe that current SPCA Freedom Food standards are incompatible with the ethos of the RSPCA supporters.

These standards are in effect across Ulster the UK and Ireland and maybe across all other SPCA groups also.

If the RSPCA improve their farm animal welfare standards, this could well influence standards worldwide. 

The RSPCA, at a cost:

allow private farms, abattoirs, packers etc., to become member of “Freedom Food” and so label their meat as "Freedom Food" indicating that the animal had some sort of normal "free" life prior to being slaughtered. However the “RSPCA Pig Welfare Standards” allow a 110 KG (17 stone) pig to be kept in a minimum space of less than one sq metre (8.6 sq ft). Of this space only one third or less than three sq feet must be mucked out twice weekly. Thus the pig can live its entire life in filth behind bars scarcely able to even lie down. The full details can be found here:

Thus RSPCA minimum standards allow factory farming for pigs!

We have all been brought up to trust the RSPCA, if an animal needs help - call the RSPCA. Can this now be regarded as true? Keeping an animal in this way is both cruel and unnatural. It causes great stress, discomfort and in no way guards the welfare of the pigs. They have less space than many pot plants and are kept in filth. We are shocked to find that you promote this.

Update #14 years ago
URGENT Show slaughterhouse pictures at the meat counter to educate people about the horrors of the meat trade maybe then they will STOP eating meat Copy this link to do this. .
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