Too many animals have died in planes and airlines by being ran over or traumatized to death, lets end this

I feel mad, frustrated and worried for many cases of animal abuse. But one that is not very known is animals traveling in the luggage area. You may think that your pet is safe, but you're not aware what happens to your pet when you are traveling in a comfortable place with ever thing you need while your pet is in a horrible and terrified situation. Inside of the luggage area is not an appropriate for any living thing. There's no AC and space. Many animals feel stressed and scared. Even worse the person handling the luggage is sometimes not even aware about the pet inside a cage and would most likely recklessly throw the animal inside with the rest of the objects around them. This is cruel.For example, an accident happened, while the person who was loading luggage, a dog's cage door was left open. The pet wondered outside the airport and then tragically got ran over and got killed. There's been other cases of owners losing their pets during a flight. Everybody thinks that this is unfair except the airline companies.There's many solutions though. People can buy a ticket for their pets but that would only be allowed for smaller pets. Another solution is to leave them at home with someone, but then the owner would feel alone without their companion; so, banning animal traveling in luggage area is the best solution in my opinion. Instead animals should be with their owners in a special area on the plane.(If you have other ideas please list them below)They are not objects or baggage they are living things who suffer like a person whose lives aren't any less important than ours. Sign this petition to save and prevent animals losing their lives just because of the flights "policies". More animals are dying and suffering by the day!

Update #27 years ago
Share and get the word out there please the animals depend on your help.
Update #17 years ago
Thank you for 100 supporters!
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