Don't let the Netherlands increase the number of cats and dogs used in medical experiments

    More and more dogs and cats are being used in medical experiments. In 2016 there were 656 dogs and 89 cats being used, in 2017 these numbers increased to 909 dogs and 200 cats, according to the Dutch "Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit" (NVWA). This is an increase of 49 procent!

    In 2017 half of the dogs died and 1 out f three cats did not survive the tests either. This is unacceptable!

    Eventhough the gouverment is in favor of less labratory animals, another 5000 permits for tests dogs and 2000 permits for tests cats have been approved in the coming years.

    Minister Carola Schouten stated that the Netherlands cannot yet stop animal testing completely. "Unacceptable", states MP Frank Wassenberg of the Party for the Animals.

    According to him, most animal tests do not lead to better medicines. "We must improve the research methods".

    We should tell the gouverment to put a stop to this as soon as possible and ask them to withdraw the approved permits! Please sign my petition.
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