AVA MUST STOP USING TRAPPING SERVICE. Trapping of animals is act of cruelty and barbarism .

  • by: Res Nanny
  • recipient: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Minister of National Development

In Singapore , a nursing mummy dog has lost her life tragically during a dog control operation . All her puppies went missing. Many volunteers are now trying to locate all puppies . If puppies were not rescued in time, they could die of starvation or died from injury as treatment was not administered immediately.

AVA, Agri-Food and Veterinary of Singapore , has engaged a dog trapper to catch strays . The trap used by the trapper had been modified and was not approved for use in dog control operations. Though it was fault of unapproved tool used by dog trapper that killed the dog but If there was no authorization by AVA or AVA did not engage dog catcher to catch strays, such tragedy will not happened .  AVA has wrongly engaged service from an irresponsible contractor which led to the death of nursing mummy dog. Hence, AVA is indirectly responsible for the tragic death too.

AVA , always, adopt the most easy way and INHUMANE way to control stray population here in Singapore . Most dogs captured will be put to sleep . Despite many appeals made by Animal Welfare Groups and rescuers , requested AVA to forge a compassionate and mature approach to control stray population but AVA always used a quick-fix solution  by ‘CULLING” .

Having limited land resources, Singapore has to constantly redevelop and repurpose space in order to maintain its high quality of life and economic growth. This resulted many strays will be evicted and forced out onto the streets where they are at risk of being run over by cars or dying of starvation or hunt for food in residential areas . When strays were spotted in residential areas, AVA will embark on control operations so to ensure public safety .  

Trapping of animals is act of cruelty and barbarism . AVA MUST STOP USING TRAPPING SERVICE which harmed animals indirectly as a result

Update #110 years ago
Dear Signers

All 3 puppies were rescued and adopted

This happy episode does not happen all the times . Many strays had lost their lives and many more will lose their lives if trapping is NOT BANNED

Please share on your timeline again.

Thank you.
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