Let's Ban the Cruel Punishment of Shock Collars on Our Pets!

  • by: Mae Joles
  • recipient: Animal activists, Pet owners, and those with reasonable hearts.

Three main types of devices are sold for public use:

•Electric shock collars for training and control
•Electric shock collars to discourage or punish barking
•Electric shock collars for confinement or fencing

The leading dog welfare organizations, including the;

Kennel Club, the Scottish Kennel Club, the Scottish SPCA, the RSPCA, the Dogs Trust, Guide Dogs for the Blind, the Blue Cross, and the Association of Pet Dog Trainers

condemn the use of shock collars for dog training and have called for them to be banned. All these organizations believe strongly that dogs need to be trained, but they believe that shock collars are an unacceptable method of doing this.

They have proven to be unsafe, dangerous, and more expensive than other simpler solutions.

-The Kennel Club.TheAssociation ofPet Dog Trainers Supportsthe KennelClubCampaign to BanElectricShock Collars. Pressrelease 088.06,21stMarch
- M B H Schilder and J AM van der Borg. Trainingdogs with help of the shock collar: shortand long termbehavioural effects.Applied Animal Behaviour Science85:319-334(2004)

We love our animals, why should we stand by and watch as people abuse them? Especially when so many associations have already labeled Shock Collars as inhumane. They need to be banished. Please help us do so.

Update #110 years ago
Great work everyone! Thanks for the help! Please encourage your friends, and share this with others to really get the word out.
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